UK Hydrogen Market Study

Case Study

The Challenge

Global&Local BrainPark Inc commissioned Cenex to carry out a study of the activities of UK hydrogen and fuel cell (HFC) companies in the context of the recently-published UK Government Hydrogen Strategy. The aim of the study is to provide strategic information to the partnership of organisations engaged in developing the Chungnam Hydrogen Economy Action Plan.

The Strategy for the Chungnam Hydrogen Economy Action Plan includes implementation activities as follows:

  • Expansion of infrastructure for promoting a hydrogen economy
  • Fostering global cluster for hydrogen electric vehicle parts
  • Becoming the base of hydrogen supply in metropolitan areas
  • Expansion of hydrogen technology utilisation demonstration
  • Fostering hydrogen specialists

The Development

Cenex conducted extensive desk-based research and interviews with UK-based organisations to address four main areas of relevance:

  1. Analysis of UK hydrogen industry trends (policy, technology, market)
  2. Investigate and analyse characteristics of companies in UK hydrogen industry
  3. Demand analysis of UK Hydrogen Companies
  4. Plans to promote international cooperation

The Result

The analyses were presented in a report and the findings delivered at a workshop.