Intelligent Flexible charging infrastructure (i-Flex)


Project Brief

The Project i-Flex (Intelligent flexible charging infrastructure) feasibility study assessed and evaluated the technical, operational and commercial viability, as well as the social and economic impacts of developing a fully integrated assessment tool for the end to end delivery of hardware specification and installation for public charging locations and infrastructure.


  • Assess the requirements of a fully automated site assessment and installation management application.
  • Develop a methodology to deliver prioritised location hot spots for public charging infrastructure based on data from people, vehicles and electricity networks.
  • Develop a methodology for categorising installation site archetypes to group and optimise installation and hardware requirements.
  • Review the opportunities and constraints a tailored archetype hardware specification will provide.
  • Identify the economic, social and environmental benefits and disadvantages to a standardised assessment and installation process, tailored to sites by archetype.

Outputs and Deliverables

  • Summary report of wide range of data sources which could be utilised and referenced in planning and installer app.
  • Engagement and recruitment of Energeo into follow on demonstrator project
  • Summary report of on-street hardware.