Zero Emission Fleet Transition Tool


The Travel and Transport team of NHS England has contracted Cenex to develop the Zero Emission Fleet Transition Tool (ZEFT). The tool is aimed at non-emergency vehicles and provides NHS Trusts with a means to assess the operational and economic effects and benefits that arise from transitioning to electric vehicles (EVs). Through ZEFT, NHS Trusts can plan their transition to net zero while also receiving insight into the advantages of switching to EVs.


Benefits of using ZEFT include:

  • Vehicles cost and performance information is based on the non-emergency vehicle types used by the NHS
  • Returns performance results based on user defined inputs including annual mileage, fuel consumption and duty cycles.
  • Allows the user to undertake a sensitivity analysis to understand the impacts of various operational factors on outputs such as cost and range.
  • It creates a downloadable report for external users.