Geospatial EV Charging Optimisation


Project Brief

Having access to the right data is a key enabler in many industries, and not least in adoption of electric vehicles. Project GECO (Geospatial EV Charging Optimisation) is investigating how internet of things (IoT) sensors and chargepoint data can improve the EV driving experience.

The project will involve the use of geospatial data from connected sensors and live dynamic data from electric vehicle chargepoints.

As well as providing technical insights and advice around the EV industry, Cenex will lead on stakeholder engagement to ensure that requirements are well defined in order to support development of the most appropriate solution.

The information will be used to design an IoT sensor solution which is EV charger agnostic and can be rolled out across the EV charging industry.


The work aims to address a key challenge identified by electric vehicle drivers and chargepoint providers, of poor driver experience and low chargepoint utilisation.

This will improve the experience for EV drivers and provide real time information on the availability of electric vehicle chargepoints in managed parking spaces, as well as allow users to pre-book chargepoints, and prevent chargepoint misuse.

The system also aims to be totally chargepoint-neutral, meaning that it can operate with any chargepoint manufacture or operator and even be retrofitted to existing chargepoints.


  • Evidence based insight into the challenges faced by stakeholders around EV infrastructure and clear user stories to support system development
  • A fully designed IoT sensor solution ready to be trialled in real locations
  • Cenex will also be leading a webinar towards the end of the project sharing the key findings from the project